The student and parent portal is part of the school’s intranet and is a place students and parents can visit to access student-specific school-related information. The portal displays a copy of each student's personal details such as home address and parent and emergency contact details, which you are able to check. It also enables access to school newsletters, academic reports, student timetables and attendance, as well as a number of other features.
Parent Access
To register for access, please go to and fill in your details. Once your details have been correctly matched to a student, we will approve your account and provide you with an individual security key. If we are unable to match your details to a student, we will contact you individually to verify your access. Please note that we are unable to match incoming Year 7 students until they have started school the following year. These applications will be processed at the beginning of each year.
Your user name will be the family email address nominated in the school’s enrolment data.
Create a password. There is a reset password function on the login screen if you have forgotten.
Once you have created your account, you can access it at any time through the following login:
It is not necessary to re-enter a family key as the link to your child/children will continue from the time the account was first created.
Student Access
To access the student portal, visit and enter your login details.
Login: Your Department of Education username (for example, "john.smith")
Password: Your Department of Education password
If there are any issues using your Department login, please click the "Go to Student Portal" button at the bottom of the login page; this should reroute you directly to the portal.
If you are not a parent of a current student but still wish to receive general information about the school, such as newsletters, please send an email to, and we will add you to the relevant email list. Please note that we do not pass your details on to any third parties, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
You may need to check your junk/spam mail initially just in case the emails are directed there (Hotmail and other Microsoft services are particularly bad at this). If this does happen, please tell your email program that emails from this address are not spam.
All other normal email enquiries should be sent to the normal school email which is located at