Galston High School

Achieving Excellence - Inspiring Success

Telephone02 9651 2222

Choosing a Personal Device

If you choose to buy a device - or repurpose an existing device you may already own - to use as a personal device at school, please make sure that it meets the technical requirements for WiFi and usability in the classroom.

Personal devices brought to school must comply with the specifications below to be appropriate/allowed for classroom use. Remember that smartphones are not acceptable personal devices for the classroom.

Personal Device Specifications

In general, most PC laptops, Mac laptops, Chromebooks, iPads or tablets are appropriate, with the following specifications:

  • The device connect to 802.11n 5GHz WiFi
  • The device has a physical keyboard (for iPads, this may mean purchasing a separate physical keyboard rather than relying on the on-screen keyboard). 
  • The device has at least 6 hours of battery.
  • The device screen is larger than 9.7″ or larger.

Need a PDF of the Personal Device Guide, including information on repurposing existing devices you may already have? Click here.

Need assistance to buy a device? Click here to be taken to an external supplier.