Galston High School

Achieving Excellence - Inspiring Success

Telephone02 9651 2222

Student Welfare

Welfare for Galston High Students 

Student Welfare is the concern of every member of staff. In its widest context it covers the safety of all students in our care, their emotional, social and intellectual well being as well as their conduct and behaviour.

Particular responsibilities for student welfare lie with the Year Advisers, Head Teachers, Student Support Officer, School Counsellor, Wellbeing Nurse, Head Teacher Welfare, Head Teacher Secondary Studies, Careers Adviser, Deputy Principal and Principal.

Welfare Team aims:

  1. To promote the academic, emotional, social and physical development of each student.
  2. To promote the idea that student welfare is intrinsic to the education process.
  3. To initiate and integrate programs into the school curriculum that will maximise student development and produce a broader based welfare network within the school.
  4. To ensure the welfare of staff through support networks, counselling, inservicing and stress management.
  5. To inform students, staff, parents and the community of the welfare program, the educational demands on, and the progress of students and the services available.
  6. To implement DET policies, including Child Protection, Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racism.

This is an ongoing program subject to continuous evaluation and annual review.

Student needs will be addressed through a sequential, informative, preventative and remediation program for Years 7 to 12 students.

Differing stages of development and learning styles will be accommodated through a variety of approaches eg. cognitive, behavioural, experiential, skills development and environmental.

Key Welfare programs:

  • Student Welfare Team
  • Waddell Café Engagement Program
  • Boys and Girls Programs
  • Men’s Shed
  • GPs in Schools
  • Pastoral Care years 7 – 10
  • Mental Health Forums and Initiatives
  • PCYC Programs
  • Police Talks
  • Extensive transition from Primary School to High School
  • Interest Clubs
  • Expressive Arts