Potential starts with a caring community.
Potential starts with quality teaching.
Potential starts with opportunities to grow.
Potential Starts at Galston High School.
Join us on Wednesday, 6th March for Open Day, to see why Galston High School offers an ideal choice for the education of your child.
Our Small community with big opportunities, includes:
An exemplary record of HSC achievement
Extension classes for high potential students in Year 7
A broad curriculum catering for academic and vocational pathways
Extensive student leadership programs that develop our students confidence, passions, and skills
Outstanding pastoral care program
A wide variety of sporting, agricultural and extra-curricular opportunities
Well-regarded music programs including bands, vocal ensemble and musicals
Year 7 Orientation excursions
Scholarships for Year 6 students living within the Galston High School catchment area
The Duke of Edinburgh Scheme
To secure your school tour booking on Open Day, register now.